Small Groups are an important part of life here at MCF.

We believe that Christians need other Christians to walk through life with. To help support each other. Jesus preached to thousands, but He had a small core group of men that He walked through life with. He discipled them and they in turn discipled others who discipled others…

Grow Groups - Sunday mornings at 9:30am

  • Old Testament – For anyone / Multigenerational
  • New Testament – For anyone / Multigenerational
  • Joy – For ladies / Multigenerational
  • Answers for Adults – For anyone / Multigenerational

Small Groups 

         Mondays at 7:00pm

      • Kingdom Men – For men/Multigenerational

         Wednesdays at 6:15pm

      • Kingdom Ladies – For ladies/Multigenerational (NOT MEETING AT THIS TIME)
      • Prayer Warriors – Multigenerational