Mission Statement
Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples

We understand that God has commanded us to love Him and to do so by loving all people. It is our primary focus to make His name known though worship, teaching, and service.

Vision Statement
Desiring to know God passionately. Dedicated to grow as a family in Christ. Developing believers to go serve by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We see this as a path of steppingstones to help the believer grow in Christ. Every believer must know God, grow in Christ, and serve with the Spirit.

Our NEXT STEPS ministry focuses on advancing believers to become equipped for the work Christ has called them to (Eph. 4:11-13). This is a simple 1 – 2 – 3 step process. If a believer will engage in these steps, then they will be better equipped for all that God has called them to, and also, all that opposes them.

We must follow in the footsteps of Jesus!

The 3 Step Process

1. Know God Passionately

This is the first step for every believer. It is not enough to just know of God, but we must know Him personally (Philippians 3:8-14). This leads to a life of worship. When we worship, we are intimately tied to the Father, subsequently, through worship services – both music and Bible teaching – we can know Him better. Our encouragement here is for the believer to be involved in our weekly worship services on Sunday mornings.

2. Grow in Christ

The Next Step a believer should follow is growth. As believers we are called to grow in Christ (2 Peter 3:18). The best way for a believer to grow is to study. Our vision is to intently disciple every believer within the church. This happens within our Small Groups. These meetings give you a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and a community you can do life with.

3. Serve through the power of the Holy Spirt

Every believer is called to move beyond their salvation and to serve as Christ came to serve (John 12:26). The beauty of this is that we are all equipped by the Holy Spirit and should serve with the gifts He has given us (1 Cor. 12). We strive to provide opportunities for people to get involved in kingdom work, and desire to help each person find their place to serve Him.